Participation cost



Payment until 
July 31  
(individuals/legal persons)

Payment until
August 31 
(individuals/legal persons)

Payment until
September 30 
(individuals/legal persons)

Payment until 
October 31
(individuals/legal persons)

Payment from November 1
(individuals/legal persons) 

Russian roubles

English Day only (Nov. 24)

9 000 / 11 000

12 000 / 14 000

15 000 / 17 000

18 000 / 20 000

22 000 / 24 000

Main Days only (Nov. 25-26)

14 000 / 16 000

17 000 / 19 000

20 000 / 22 000

23 000 / 25 000

27 000 / 29 000

All Days (Nov. 24-26) 

18 000 / 20 000

21 000 / 23 000

24 000 / 26 000

27 000 / 29 000

31 000 / 33 000

Belarusian roubles (Prices are indicated in denominated rubles)

English Day only (Nov. 24)

270 / 330

360 / 420

450 / 510

540 / 600

660 / 720
Main Days only (Nov. 25-26)

420 / 480

510 / 570

600 / 660

690 / 750

810 / 870
All Days (Nov. 24-26)

540 / 600

630 / 690

720 / 780

810 / 870

930 / 990


English Day only (Nov. 24)

135 / 165

180 / 210

225 / 255

270 / 300

330 / 360
Main Days only (Nov. 25-26)

210 / 240

255 / 285

300 / 330

345 / 375

405 / 435
All Days (Nov. 24-26)

270 / 300

315 / 345

360 / 390

405 / 435

465 / 495


English Day only (Nov. 24) 120 / 150 160 / 190 200 / 230 240 / 270 300 / 330
Main Days only (Nov. 25-26) 190 / 220 230 / 260 270 / 300 310 / 340 365 / 395
All Days (Nov. 24-26)  245 / 275 285 / 315 325 / 355 365 / 395 420 / 450

4+ participants

10% discount

10% discount

10% discount

10% discount

 10% discount

Information partner (2)

Ask a partner 

Ask a partner

Ask a partner

Ask a partner

Ask a partner 

Speaker (3)






The payments can be in Russian and Belarusian rubles, in USD dollars or EURO (except for Russia and Belarus). Price in Russian or Belarusian rubles can be changed in case of significant fluctuations towards to US dollar . If you want to pay in other currency or methods now provided below please contact the organizing committee by the following email

The discounts are not cumulative. If you are eligible for a few different discounts - the largest one applies.
All prices are indicated in the Russian roubles.
1 The participation cost includes admission fee payment, food costs (drinks, coffee-pauses, lunch), a folder with handouts. The participation cost does not include accommodation, transfer to the hotel and the conference hall, tours.
2 The discount operates only for physical persons on a promo-code. An information partner should provide it.
3 Only one speaker is free. Co-speaker pays full price. Speakers with the status "Reserved" participate for free. Speakers with the status "Rejected" can participate at the price on the date of registration at the site. Speakers with the status of "Recuse" can participate at the price according to the period of payment. Speakers who are exempt from payment of the selected event, can participate in another event at the price on the date of registration at the site. Site registration date is completing a registration form, after which the participant gets into the list of participants. Submission of the talk without completing the registration form is not considered as a fact of registration for the event.

Payment methods for individuals

  1. Payment using PayMaster.
  2. Payment using PayPal.
  3. Bank payment.

Payment using PayMaster (please enter sum in Russian rubles)

Discover the limits on payments using PayMaster tools.

Attention! During the payment please indicate your contact data!

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