Topics and Types of Presentations


 The following key issues topics will discuss at the conference:

  • functional testing;
  • integration testing;
  • performance testing;
  • automation of testing and tools;
  • configuration testing;
  • usability testing;
  • security testing;
  • static methods of quality assurance;
  • introduction of testing processes at the enterprise;
  • management of software quality assurance processes;
  • management of testers and quality assurance engineers team;
  • testing outsourcing;
  • testing of system applications (not Web), games and mobile applications testing;
  • project team motivation and certification of software quality assurance experts.

If there is no needed subject area, you can propose it to the review of the program committee.

The Types of Presentations

Regular Talks
The vast majority of presentations delivered at the Conference are regular talks. A Program Committee selects them on a competitive basis. There will be a 40-min timeslot (or 1.5 hr - two timeslots 40 min + 40 min) allocated for each presentation in the conference schedule. This timeslot includes time for both actual presentation and Q&A.

Lightning Talks
Short (about 15-20 min) report related the topic of the conference or close to it.

Practical training speech. Duration 1.5 - 3 hours.

Round Tables
Expert discussion of the chosen subject with moderation (duration up to 1.5 hours). Positions expressed proponents and opponents.

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