Instructions for authors
Procedure for Considering Applications
Program Committee members will acknowledge all submissions within few days. Submissions will be reviewed for quality and relevance, and the acceptance decision will be emailed to the corresponding author.
When you submit your talk, you are giving the rights to the conference committee to publish it in conference proceedings and reference them in conference materials such as booklets, newsletters, website, etc.
Please pay attention! You have more chances to get into the program of SQA Days if your talk has not previously sounded at other specialised conferences, or this talk was substantially updated and revised in the light of feedback received at the events.
Speakers (authors of the regular and lightning talks, roundtables, workshops) will get free passes to the event: one free pass per accepted paper.
Authors, whose reports have not passed a competition, can participate in the conference on the price for the date of registration at SQA Days site.
In the case of several co-authors, only one speaker will get a free pass.
In case the speaker is declined for participation in the regular talk format, the lightning talk format can be offered.
How to make a good talk
Everyone has own understanding of how to make a good talk. Below are just basic principles that must be kept in mind during preparation.
- The talk must be interesting for listeners. This item from the repertoire of Captain obvious, but it does not negate its importance.
- Our conference - for testers!
- Any talk is interested if the audience understands the ultimate goal. Even if the talk is dealing with unknown technologies, approaches, methods. If you understand the meaning of the action, you try to grasp the process, because there is always a chance that you face such a task in your life.
- Do not expect that the meaning is obvious to an audience. Most of the listeners do not know the nature of your tasks and challenges of your platform. It is better to explain clearly in the beginning.
- The talk should not be much to go into private affairs in a specific technology. Often, such a depth involves the lack of obvious practical value for the listeners. Even for your colleagues on the technology. The purpose is not clear.
- Add practical cases to your talks. Listeners will be grateful to you.
- Remember the Death by PowerPoint.