Organising Committee

  • sqa
    days / 31
    General Director, Founder and Owner of Testing Laboratory (SQALab) (Moscow, Russia). Master of Business Administration in IT Management. Organizer of international IT conferences SQA Days, Analyst Days.
    Владислав Орликов
    Владислав Орликов
  • sqa
    days / 31
    Co-organizer. Assistant to the chairman of the organizing committee for work with volunteers.
    Татьяна Орликова
    Татьяна Орликова
  • sqa
    days / 31
    Co-organizer. Assistant to the chairman of the organizing committee for work with partners.
    Алексей Долгов
    Алексей Долгов
  • sqa
    days / 31
    Co-organizer. Assistant to the chairman of the organizing committee for work with counteragents.
    Наталья Долгова
    Наталья Долгова
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