The Three Pillars of Usability Testing: Hypotheses, Tasks, and Metrics

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Many people have already heard and performed usability testing (usability testing) of their products, but I often come across situations where this testing did little to the project or was not used at all to improve the product. What is the reason? 
In addition to purely organizational and managerial problems, when test results are shelved, there are still problems when conducting usability tests themselves - not enough attention is paid to three important things: 
  1. formulating hypotheses about issues;
  2. developing test tasks;
  3. the right choice of metrics. 

In my talk, I will tell you in detail and show examples of where to take hypotheses about problems in the interface and how to justify them correctly, how to choose and formulate tasks for usability testing correctly. I will also talk about what usability testing metrics are, when they are needed, and how to choose them correctly for your digital product.

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