Mental traps in testing

  • Easy
Any tester wants to do his best at work. What troubles can stop him? Bad builds? Lack of resources? Sure, but maybe our biggest problem is ourselves?
For example, sometimes we keep investing in inefficient test automation just because we don't want to accept that we have done the bad decision. And sometimes we try to be fast and efficient at the same time, but we end up doing it wrong and it takes even more time than usual. It's actually common that sometimes we put too much effort into one task, and sometimes we put our efforts in more tasks than we should.
Uffff! Of course, we can do it better. But how?
In this lecture, Artem and Natasha will look into most popular mental traps in software testing and will talk about how to avoid them. After visiting this lecture you will become familiar with such strange words as amplification, procrastination and reversion. You'll see your work from another angle of view and will find many simple but efficient ways to improve it.
The lecture is must-see for every tester, who wants to work better.



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