Cross-browser testing with the popularization of HTML5 and CSS3. Internet Explorer, not like everyone else

  • 20 min

Nowadays, in modern browsers we can create some special effects and features, previously impossible, with the help of HTML and CSS, formerly much less possible in implementation.

Currently, we have a great deal of various tools and possibilities at our disposal as it has become extremely popular to use newer HTML and CSS features for creation of miscellaneous effects and elements, which are to be shown on a webpage.

Greater advantage of namely HTML and CSS usage is almost instantaneous handling of data and wider range of possibilities.

Everything works smoothly and fast, if a website visitor has javascript disabled, this is no longer a hindrance for displaying various effects and elements.

However, there's a disadvantage to such a use of HTML5 and CSS3: and namely that of cross-browser applicability, since HTML5 and CSS3 are not generally accepted standards, and not all of the possibilities are working withouth specific browser identifiers or filters.

The crux of the matter at hand will be easy to understand once you are working with foreing customers, some clients among which are still surfing the internet with Internet Explorer.

Since namely the Internet Explorer lets us down, the purpose of the report in view is sharing my knowledge and experience that I have come by in the process of cross-browser testing of different websites, while learning HTML and CSS.

What they can afford, what they are meant for altogether is pretty much common knowledge if anyone has ever encountered Web-testing or simply been interested therein.

Кроссбраузерное тестирование с популяризацией HTML5 и CSS3. Internet Explore from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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