Github Flow. Testers against testing

  • 40 min

A year ago our team 2GIS-Online made a decision to go from with one dev-brunch on a brunch system repository and GitHub Flow processes. The infrastructure was ready for changes and new speeds. But we had to Reorganize our team. Testing in new processes became an intractable issue. GitHub has no testers, we hadn’t visual example from somebody and that’s why we had to invent suitable kind of testing.

Our purpose was to find out:

  • How to release features without testers? Where did GitHub Flow put us across?
  • What does 'stable master' mean and how to provide this stability?
  • What we need to do with a long regression and debugging with a view to increased releases?
  • How should we accelerate testing?
  • And how will it affect on quality?

In my report I'll tell you how roles of testers changed in team that worked with adapted GitHub Flow.

Github Flow. Тестировщики против тестирования from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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