"Web elections 2012". How to survive a 70-days testing marathon?

  • 40 min

At the end of 2011 we got a memorable contract for greenfield development of an autonomous video-monitoring and online translation system in 70 days. A project life was so short that we'd have to turn ourselves in. I’ll tell the educational story how we’ve succeeded the testing mission in the “Web elections — 2012” project:

  • which testing risks we managed to predict;
  • how we managed configuration, acceptance and regression testing;
  • how test automation could be applied in such rapid project;
  • what did we learn from risks we have had.

Junior and middle software test engineers will learn new ideas for test-design, automation and routine optimization, while for senior testers and test-managers the speech will be valuable as a successful testing story not in an overprotection of this project «requirements – test-cases – test stages – all in good time» and not in a friendly agile, but when all the process builds right now.

"Веб-выборы 2012". Как выдержать 70-дневный марафон по тестированию? from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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