Worldwide billing in Badoo from QA's point of view

  • 40 min

Quality assurance of billing systems often works as a stumbling block for software testing.

How deeply should we go through code? How should we work with third-party services? What rights should be granted for testers and what should they learn?

In case of worldwide billing problems are expanding: how could we test SMS-payments in Brazil? How not to break the laws of Belgium?

All these questions are standing upon every big project and every team solves them in their own way.

Badoo provides billing all over the world, works with dozens of aggregators, uses lot of systems and utilities to control every transaction. How do we manage to avoid thousands of potential bugs, which could be a real threat to our business? In this talk I’ll describe our methods, justify this choices and show you our real results.

Worldwide биллинг Badoo глазами QA from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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