Organization of effective testing processes: Zephyr in chocolate
40 min
The effective organization of the testing process requires a meticulous
approach, which is accompanied by difficulties and pitfalls.
In my report I will tell you :
* prerequisites for implementing a new work process
* will consider the tools that may be suitable
* will raise the veil of financial and organisational
* describe the difficulties of implementing and operating tool (on the example of Zephyr for JIRA)
Share success results:
understanding of coverage functional units - a simple evaluation of the
automated portion of the coating and profit from automation -
transparent tests that are available to all team members - effective
process for the transfer tests in automation
Also talk about the
horizons for further development of the process and will share tips with
those who are going to migrate to system test management with
check-lists and notes.
The report will be of interest to those who are interested to the development of testing processes in the company.
Организация эффективных процессов тестирования: Zephyr в шоколаде from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.