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  • 40 min

Over the time mobile devices become more significant part of our lives, changing it and making it easier. Every mobile device contains lots of data and can be used for performing great amount of everyday actions. It’s not a surprise that users don’t want their personal data to be available for everyone. On the other hand business wants to know as much as possible about their customers in order to provide the best service. Nowadays, services gathering user statistics and different metrics are a common thing to use. But using those services we can face the situation, when company can invade privacy. Those situations give a rise to user paranoia on personal data privacy.

What is my presentation about: 

What information needs to be collected, and what data collection methods can be used. Also I would tell about the reason of user paranoia and how it affects testing.

Все твои ходы записаны from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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