Building a testing team – From an empty room to a fully productive team in a short time

  • 40 min

We live in a fast world where companies are facing the ever-increasing complexity of today’s software products. Time to market is more and more important. We see everyday business critical projects that go from an idea to a product or system in a record time. Testing teams are part of this world, they are here to stay and they need to be a well functioning part of it.

This presentation will walk you through the steps needed to be taken to have a team ready to start testing in a very short time. We’ll start from recruiting passing by processes, tools and infrastructures, knowledge building, test case writing and preparation up to being ready to start. One last part will include what’s next during testing.

You’ll learn as well what are the key messages for each of the phases described in this real case study.

Building a testing team (в переводе) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Building a testing team (English version) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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