Web UI responsiveness test with JMeter and Selenium

  • 20 min

Web UI responsiveness is the thing that often cannot be measured with pure JMeter - instead of HTTP requests/response measurement, one needs to measure real user timing expectations in real browsers. That allows to measure scripts execution time and rendering time, resulting in more real test results. That also allows to find performance bottlenecks using internal debug tools and APIs offered by modern browsers.

This talk covers the following main topics:

- how to integrate JMeter and Selenium to measure Web UI responsiveness

- how to use Navigation Timing API, Performance API and User Timing API to add detail to JMeter reports and simplify bottlenecks findings

- how to build simple framework to split logical and technical parts of test definitions

Тестирование отклика Web-интерфейса с JMeter и Selenium from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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