Load testing: unorthodox methods of data-flow analysis of applications

  • Easy
  • 20 min

The presentation is devoted to the means to find the cause of performance problems, but, despite this, the ideas presented in it will be useful to all testers in projects where testing is separated from development.

The report begins with a brief description of standard methods:

1. Profiling the application code

2. Monitoring of the database

3. Traffic analysis (sniffing)

Then the question is considered: what if the standard methods did not help?

In such situations, to find the problem, you can modify the compiled application code.

The presentation shows how you can analyze the data flow and find the problem in the Java application by using such manipulations with the code and how you can write a stub for the external system.

It tells about two projects where such methods were successfully applied.

The presentation discusses Java, but the algorithms described are easily adapted for .Net applications.

Нагрузочное тестирование: Нестандартные методы анализа потока данных в приложениях from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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