A practical introduction to consumer contract testing with.NET
1h 30 min
Since Microservices evolved as the state-of-the-art architecture for modern applications, testing the communication between microservices became an essential part of testing.
Since a complete application consists of the interaction of many microservices, their communication with each other should be explicitly tested to find bugs in the early stages of development.
A common approach for that kind of testing is consumer-contract testing, which means that the consumer of an API determines the contract that the provider is tested against.
A widely used framework for this is Pact.
In my workshop, I will practically show you how to use Pact for a .NET application to test your consumer and provider microservice.
Together we will set up the consumer tests, an infrastructure to manage the pacts and finally set up the provider side tests.
Participants should bring their own laptop and be familiar with an object-oriented programming language, ideally C#. A VM for developing will be provided.