Automation in the world of projects

  • 40 min

The world of software house is always a compromise between quality and costs. In many cases, the cost-cutting starts from test automation. Then you start to talk about ROI but recognize that numbers are not on your side? We were there and find out that only a complete change in our approach allows us to find common ground with our clients. I will reveal one detail from the presentation  - we are not talking about test automation with clients anymore - and it works as we do it more and more.

Are you interested? Join me and listen to our story about transformation in the area of test automation.

You will explore the world of software houses and you will find out:
  1. How to talk about test automation with business instead of using ROI, test coverage, …

  2. How to increase a project’s revenue in an unobvious way

  3. How to implement a whole team approach and be lean instead of creating fixed roles in the project team

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