A Novel Approach for QA Scrum Teams to Improve Test Management Process

  • 40 min

In our talk, we will introduce a Siemens way of enabling a better test management approach. We will explain the Test Owner role, how it can be handled in the test lifecycle, which responsibilities he/she should have, which measures should be taken to get the most benefit out of it and how it facilitates further improvements in all software development lifecycle (SDLC). In the end, we will also give the key message to the audience to think about the needed cultural change in quality mindset, as “Quality should be lived by everyone, not reached or governed just by some specific groups such as test teams!”

Ms Dr Gaye Saglam - Head of Quality Assurance Turkey Team of Siemens MindSphere IoT Cloud Platform, Expert Test Engineer

Mr Tolga Aktas - Test Owner Quality Assurance Turkey Team of MindSphere IoT Cloud PlatformExpert Test Engineer

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