The tester's dilemmas (Workshop)

  • Просто

In this debate, after a short overview of the testing profession's history, several dilemmas regarding testing and testers will be presented, for example:
* "Test Management is obsolete, a test project should be managed by a Project Manager"; or
* "To properly test, sometimes you have to break the law".

After a statement has been presented, you,  the audience, are invited to let your opinion on the dilemma be heard. Do you agree with the statement? Present your arguments. Do you disagree? Please let that be known!
After the discussion (which will be moderated by alternately selecting speakers from the "pro" and "con" views, thus ensuring points of view can not only be heard but also responded to) a vote will take place regarding the statement, either accepting or rejecting the statement.
Then, the next statement will be presented, attendees will again decide if they support or reject the statement etcetera.

Do you want to sit down and listen to views being presented? Do not attend.
Do you want to slowly doze of with some testing buzz in the background? Do not attend.
Do you want to think about provocative statements, sharing and defending your opinion and contribute to an enhanced understanding of some of our profession's pitfalls for yourself and the other attendees? Then Please join the debate and contribute!


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