Test Process Improvement with TPI NEXT - what the model does not tell you but you should know

  • Просто

Many companies lose money or even their reputation because of bad quality IT-systems. When quality is bad, it sounds logical to start improving testing practices. The TPI NEXT –model is a great tool for assessing where you are and for creating a coherent roadmap for improvement.

However, the improvement actions fail too often. Sometimes the plans are not realistic, the right stakeholders are not involved, or management doesn’t really support the initiatives. These – and other - potential impediments should be taken into account already from day one in the TPI assessment. 

In this talk, I will shortly present the TPI NEXT -model and discuss my practical experiences on how to succeed in improving - not only the test process but also the whole software development life cycle. The topics discussed include both success stories and LFMF’s (=learn from my failure). In short, I will tell you the things you should know, but can't find in the TPI NEXT book.



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