From Scrum to Kanban – what does it mean for QAs?

  • 1ч 30 мин

After years doing Scrum, or to be precise, trying to do it - with many wins but also many failures, we are slowly moving to Kanban. Why and how? What does it mean for QAs? Let me share our story with you. I will share with you why the Scrum was our first choice. How we implemented it and what challenges we had. I will explain reasons why we switched to Kanban later and how we actually did. I will provide you with Guide for such transition and we will have a time for discussion. Talk will be focused on concept of “Quality as responsibility of whole team”.

From Scrum to Kanban – what does it mean for QAs? (English version) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

From Scrum to Kanban – what does it mean for QAs? (русский перевод) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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