Advancing Testing Using Axioms

  • 1ч 30 мин

An Axiom is something believed to be true, but cannot be proven in any practical way. It could be disproven by experiment or experience and we should be prepared to be proven wrong. This usage is consistent with many other famous examples: the Definitions in Euclid's Elements, Newton's laws of motion, the US Declaration of Independence and many other 'position statements' present sets of beliefs without proof or corroboration. Most have subsequently been shown to be imperfect, but they continue to work for most practical purposes.

This session will explore what axioms in testing might look like and discuss why they have value, but are difficult to define. Paul will introduce the sixteen axioms documented in the Tester's Pocketbook and explain how they can help you to question and improve your own testing or the testing of other people or organisations.

Advancing Testing Using Axioms (русский перевод) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Advancing Testing Using Axioms (English version) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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