Help Me, I got a team of junior testers!

  • 40 мин

Testing teams can be formed in many ways, we can hire people from the market or from Universities, we can get people from the company from different departments and train them, or we can have a mix of all this. Testing teams adapt as well with people moving between jobs, being them internal or external. These changes are more and more frequent and happen more and more rapidly as the testing market grows faster and faster.

We end up, many times, in situations where the team is made of junior people to the role of a tester. We will discuss some ground rules and some every day needs to ensure team performance and continuous learning and we'll look as well to some pitfalls to avoid to be successful.

Help Me, I got a team of junior testers! (English version) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Help Me, I got a team of junior testers! (русский перевод) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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