Why we should care about leftovers

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  • 1ч 30 мин

My talk will focus on what I call the leftovers of testing -a.k.a. all those non functional test we tend to "forget" because they do not fit in the project / planning / budget.
I'll show the audience how those forgoten test will become progressively of utmost importance because our way of consuming software is dramatically evolving towards a mass-consumer market with different rules and practices.
Be prepared to IT not anymore for ITers! Be prepared to perform, like, share and interact in totally different manners.

(the intention is to go from ISO9126 / ISO25000 serie and select quality attributes of interest put in an evolutionary perspective of the IT / consumer market - I'll also show how the new ISTQB scheme already partly addresses or anticipates some of those "leftovers")
Tune will be "light", non technical and with a twist of humor.

Why we should care about leftovers (English version) - Part 1 from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Why we should care about leftovers (English version) - Part 2 (English version) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Why we should care about leftovers (русский перевод) - Часть 1 from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Why we should care about leftovers (русский перевод) - Часть 2 from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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