Cornerstones of Testing in DevOps

  • 40 мин

DevOps promises faster time-to-market and frequent delivery of continuous value for customers, but it needs a major cultural change and a significant technical revolution from the organisation.

  • Why do we need DevOps? 
  • What it exactly is? 
  • How should a tester behave in a DevOps team? 
  • What are the practices to learn? 
  • What are the tools to use? 

These are just some of the questions you face as a DevOps transformation agent in a big multinational company on its journey. To be able to answer these questions and guide multiple product lines at the same time on their way, a small DevOps evangelist team shall have a tool to navigate: where we are now, and how can we get to the target state. With this goal in mind, we have developed a DevOps Maturity Assessment, having 12 Categories to focus on. In my talk, I will walk through the audience on the structure of the Model we built, with a special focus on Testing area. I will share some major aspects of DevOps that a tester should know and apply.

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