Test Automation: Available for Everyone or The Destiny of The Elite?

  • 40 min

Automated tests are not only scripts written by some strange folks with title “QA Automation Engineer”. It’s great to see autotests as a tool used by any tester for daily activities. Is it real? We are trying to check it in Wargaming Web-department delivering few dozens of projects simultaneously and helping our games be enjoyable for gamers.

  • What difficulties might you face during massive autotest implementation?

  • Is it possible to release new versions without manual testing at all?

  • What toolset can you use to achieve the goal?

  • Could black box be whiter?

If you are interested in answers to these questions, come to listen to my speech.

Автоматизация тестирования: доступна каждому или удел избранных? from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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