Agile Implementation Challenges – Testing and more…
40 min
A lot of companies are getting more and more into the Agile world, adopting different flavors of this approach, whether it is XP, Kanban or Scrum. Thus, developers, managers, testers and test managers are all facing challenges they did not have before.
In this session I shall present typical challenges and problems testers and test managers face when trying to implement Agile, based on my experience in the latest years, and a few Gap Analysis studies and improvement campaigns I did for companies already implementing Agile.
Key areas:
- What impacts the tester’s work in Agile environment?
- What are the challenges the team has, and the tester in specific?
- How the day to day work of a tester should change in order to add value?
Agile Implementation Challenges – Testing and more… from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.
Agile Implementation Challenges – Testing and more… (на русском) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.