Something about assistant on freelance
40 min
One day you decide that you want to try yourself in freelance. You laids off and start to experience the most difficult first month,
trying to get used to the new schedule, and a pile of projects.
But the project becomes more. They begin to overlap with their deadlines.
And then the following happens: you're working all the time, but you do not have time. You feel tired, quality of work is reduced.
Caught in this situation, I can decided that i need an assistant
1. How do you know that this is person that you need?
2. How to learn him for the remote work?
3. How to re-learn to delegate tasks?
4. How to work if the rest of the team does not know about assistant?
5. How not to lose the understanding of the project?
About this and a little bit more I try to tell in my lecture